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38 61 Aha’s from my 38th Year
I recently celebrated my 39th birthday while traveling in Europe. This trip was my graduation gift to Michayla. We decided on July as our travel month because we are both cancers and love to celebrate our birthdays. This year as I was traveling and rediscovering myself and my relationship with my daughter I have also come to a deeper understanding of the energies that fill our world. I constantly am working on my own transformation. I can only take my clients as far as I am willing to go. I still have many “stories” and beliefs that rule my world that I am constantly working towards healing. I decided to write my 38 Aha’s from my 38th year of being in this existence and body. I ended up with 61. Enjoy
- You will repeat and repeat and repeat the same patterns until you heal or find the answers
- It is OK to walk away.
- Putting yourself last only puts those you LOVE (and are trying to put first) last.
- You can not heal the world with broken hands.
- Follow your intuition even when it makes NO SENSE.
- Breakups are painful for the giver and the receiver.
- You DO NOT know what someone is thinking.
- Travel to see the world and heal not to escape. Your challenges will follow you to every continent.
- You are a good mother.
- Hatred is bred from FEAR, not HATE
- Fear is the killer of JOY
- Joy is an inside job
- You are smarter than you think and stronger than you know
- Love does not fit in a pretty box with a bow.
- You can love more than one person at a time. All love is different.
- When you receive a message to “Go Fuck Yourself”. Never look back
- You can travel Europe for over a month with a small carry on. You can lose that small carry on and still have bliss.
- I am attached to ideas and not things. When I let go of my attachments I grow.
- You may have a destiny and you still have free will.
- Seek simplicity.
- Journal to your inner child.
- Meditate daily.
- I am a goddess. A high priestess. We are all DIVINE.
- You can eat croissant, drink wine, and walk 8 miles a day in Italy and France and lose weight
- Radical forgiveness changes your experience of YOURSELF
- Be vulnerable
- Everyone needs a tribe
- We are wired for compassion
- Ask for help
- Everyone has a secret.
- Visualize for rapid manifestation.
- Take time every day to see a sunrise, sunset or hug a tree.
- Celebrate the moon and flow with her cycles.
- Surrender
- Surrender
- Letting go is not giving up, it is standing up.
- To walk an awakened path you will sit in the fire and feel the burn
- You can travel for over a year straight and always feel at HOME with yourself
- Appreciate Yourself.
- Be patient. The Universe will always answer in 1 of 3 ways. YES. YES, BUT NOT KNOW. NO, SOMETHING BETTER.
- You always get what you want or something better.
- If you’re late paying your bills nobody dies.
- Get your passport. It is worth it.
- Take time to get to know your child as a human. They are more brilliant than you know.
- Step into someone else’s experience, it will guide yours.
- Nobody has it “all” figured out.
- My “ALL” is different than yours.
- Physical ailments stem from emotional and energetic shifts.
- It is OK to not know where you are going.
- There is magic in the space between.
- You can manifest instantly.
- Take 100% responsibility even when it hurts.
- Keep your word and if you can’t don’t hide, own up to it.
- Don’t wait to buy plane tickets. The prices will go up!
- Humanity and human rights still have a long way to go.
- There is a huge shift happening, right NOW.
- I have a body. I am a soul.
- You can fall as quickly as you rise. So RISE.
- You create your world through your thoughts. Good or Bad. Want to know what you think about most? Look at what you have created in the last year.
- I am like a fine wine I get better with age.
- I LOVE my body. I LOVE my life.
What are you most recent aha’s? Please Share in the comments. Share this post with your social media too!
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